At the moment not really finished is phpwcms's template management. But it's flexible, stable and usable. It can handle unlimited templates – every site structure level can equipped with its own template. One template can be predefined as the default template. The default template is used whenever a site structure level has no assigned template. Every template value is stored in the database. This is faster than loading from template files.
I hope to get round to enhance the template management. I think about intergration of page layout form and all values from template config file "include/ inc_conf/ conf.template_default.inc.php". This will results in a more flexible template management than now.
Remember: phpwcms uses blocks to render content. The "block" layout in terms of a standard HTML table will be specified in admin section > page layout. Read about it
here. You can easily draw your own conclusions from block name — but now I will describe every block a little bit:

Every block can be filled with standard HTML code and represents a table cell. Apart from the

main block all other blocks can be set to hidden by choosing a corresponding block layout or set width or height to zero or nothing. To predefine special colors and/or background images and/or cell heights you can also use CSS statements (class attribute in page layout). phpwcms replacement tags can be used wherever you want (it should make sense) — also in templates. Try it!




FOOTER can be filled with any content. It has to be clean HTML code but can mixed with JavaScript code. This applies to

MAIN block — but if you fill in code here you must insert the {


} replacement tag anywhere within the

main block code. This is not neccessary if no special template code filled in

main. phpwcms then uses

main as default content container.




BOTTOM space can not be filled with template code by default.

If you use JavaScript RollOver images and want to use your own JavaScript functions use the html head field for inserting code. You can put metatags in there too. If you have JavaScript code that should run on page load insert these code in js onload field. Don't forget to fill in something in template's error field.