phpwcms is a project that might never be finished. Everey day new fixes, extensions and enhancements maybe published. So come back regulary to see if there is something new for you. You can find former releases on
SourceForge.net too.
I have to say sorry - but I'm not able to update every text when something has changed. It's a question of time.
Don't use older releases anymore. Development release should be stable for use in production. For support visit
phpwcms forum.

It is recommend that you have installed
ImageMagick 5.5.7-10 (or higher) and
GhostScript 7.05 (or higher). Current versions of ImageMagick can be found
here. On *NIX systems try to find the right package for your distribution. I have tested the RedHat 7.3 package from ftp.imagemagick.org with success on Suse 8.1 – on Windows use the *Q16-windows-dll.exe installer. Use the
support forum if you have questions about how to install. Yeah: and you must have installed current versions of
PHP (>4.2.1, 4.4+ recommend) and
MySQL (>3.23.0, 4.1+ recommend).