After 2 weeks another big step in developement of phpwcms is done. I decided to release phpwcms 1.1-RC1 as the 1st recommend stable version (
start download). This version has everything inside you need for creating websites like the phpwcms project site.
Thanks to all testers: I have heard your critics and feature requests. So now there are many little or larger new features and improvements and some bug fixes inside phpwcms (
see the changelog.txt).
Some days ago I improved the template system. Until the last release it stored so called blocks (for right, left, header, footer and so on) in separate files that are included anytime by a read file function when a phpwcms page is rendered. It was very simple but had a huge disadvantage: there was only one template usable for the whole site. Not really good, isn't it? I have improved the template functionality. Now you can create as many templates as you would. Any structure level can get its own template. 1 template can be defined as default — this default template will be used for any structure level that has no predefined template. Makes sense! The new template implementation is also slightly faster.
Requested by an user here it is: the integrated newsletter management for phpwcms. I decided to implement a simple newsletter function — at the moment only text email support is planned. But very cool: you can create and manage different subscriptions. And if you would you can handle more than only 1 newsletter subscription form. The newsletter functionality is integrated under messages in the backend and only available to admin users. There you can manage newsletter subscriptions and (not finished yet) create and send the mailings based on registered recipients. Subscriptions must be verified by users — an email with special links is send to the given email address. On the same way subscriptions can be deleted. Inserting a newsletter subscription form in the frontend is very easy: just create a new content element and fill in all neccessary values.
As you have seen I have implemented the possibility to create RSS feeds based on structure level. Another new content module was added: code. For better XML compatibilty I have replaced all "<?" with "<?php" opener tag. Defining path values is easier — no beginning or ending slash anymore — phpwcms knows how to handle this. Now phpwcms does not have to be installed in the web server document root — it can be installed in any directory that is accessible by web users. A per article definable redirection link can be used.