This is the outdated phpwcms project site.
Something new is coming soon. Always keep in mind to check GitHub for the newest release.
phpwcms v1.1-RC4 released
The new release includes 2 new content parts: bid and list. The list content part is based on Jérôme's work - thank you! But now it is enhanced for linebreaks inside every list item too.
The bid content part is like a simple auction module. It is used to allow customers to say what they want to pay for the listed product. Every bid must be verified by email. Todo until next release
- Content Part "News"
- Content Part "Blog"
- Replacement Tag for <ul><li> Menu based on sitemap creation
- Template Defaults editor for template based default values
- Possibility to choose in which frontend block content parts should be rendered
- Frontend user
If everything is going to be like I have planned this will be available end of May.