This is the outdated phpwcms project site.
Something new is coming soon. Always keep in mind to check GitHub for the newest release.
phpwcms v1.1-RC3 released
The new release with lot enhacements is out since 20. April 2004. Main new features: basic newsletter (is working now), guestbook and sitemap.
From now on downloads will be available only at
Download new releases and patches
20-04-2004 1.1-RC3
- The (basic) newsletter functionality is ready.
- New content part "Sitemap" - this makes what it is named.
- There is a small bug (I don't have time to fix) when GD
is used and a GIF is uploaded that is smaller than the
default preview width. If you use such image and resize
it in TEXT w. IMAGE/IMAGES it will not shown correctly
because it tries to load GIF - but is should be PNG.
Sorry! Do not resize GIF as workaround when GD is used.
- Many smaller updates and fixes - I don't know anymore ;-)
- Small bug for list thumbnails fixed in article content
part list and in content part editor for "Image with
Text", "Images" and "E-Card". If you see such error you
have to update concerned content part.
- New enhancement for structures - top article count can
be defined per site structure. When new structure level
is created start value is taken form
- New content part: guestbook - can also be used
as comments
- Beginning for modularisation ;-) - will need more time;
But now it's a bit easier to enhance phpwcms. Content
part processes like UPDATE, INSERT, READ, VALUES, LIST
was moved to seperate files. If you delevope own content
parts please register your content part on project site.
You will get an ID above 1000.
- FCKeditor updated to v1.5
- new replacement tag {NAV_ROW} added for creating a
row based menu. {NAV_ROW} returns a row based menu
starting level 0 including home {NAV_ROW:CURRENT:0|1}
menu start level = CURRENT CAT, if second attribute = 1
then current cat name will be showed {NAV_ROW:INT:0|1}
menu start level = INT (CAT ID)
- some very small fixes ;-)
- {NAV_TABLE_COLUMN } now renders well in Mozilla/Netscape
again. There was CSS problem - display:block was removed.
- New content type E-Card for giving website visitors the
possibility to send image greetings via email. From now on
emails in phpwcms are sent by using the phpMailer class
( To send emails via
SMTP (also SMTP_AUTH) you can set default values in
- All external classes from include/inc_lib/ext are moved
to include/inc_ext.
- The backend default startup text was moved to
"phpwcms_template/inc_default/startup.html" and can be
edited in backend admin section now.
- Many content related database fields like article_title
and so on are now stored as TEXT (LONG VARCHAR). This
helps to optimize handling of non western languages like
Chinese. Now such languages should have better support.
Alter your database ONLY if you think you need such
functionality. It should work also with the old form
- Backend files like "login.php" are extended wioth meta
tag that should prevend these backend files from search
engine spidering:
<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">
After a long break the development goes on....
- Frontend content should renders now 100% W3C valid code.
All non valid things like height attribute for table cells
are replaced by the style attribute height.
- Enhanced image resize function uses now following scheme:
ImageMagick | source format | target (thumbnail/preview)
| all other | JPG
- If ImageMagick is used for converting animated GIF will
stay animated GIF and also transparent GIF is supported
now. When GD is used transparency will be filled with
- If the source image has smaller/equal width/height it
will never be resized. Such images will be copied as
thumbnail and preview now. This improves the quality
of smaller images especially GIF.
- NAV_TABLE_COLUMN was patched: JavaScript CSS pointer
handling changed. Now it is handled by style. And
JavaScript image rollover is handled by special JavaScript
function what should increase speed on some browsers.
- Backend language handling was changed: now default
language is loaded first everytime. This solves problems
when new language vars aren't translated.
- Changed compression setting to the more current
zlib outputcompression method. Now, when you set the
compression value to ON this is the identical
value for compression level used for transparent output
compression. Set:
$phpwcms["compress_page"] = 0;
// for output compression disabled,
$phpwcms["compress_page"] = 1;
// for output compression level range
// from 1-9 where 1 is low and 9 high level,
// a good compromise is 3