phpWCMS open source web content management system
This is the outdated phpwcms project site.
Something new is coming soon. Always keep in mind to check GitHub for the newest release.
Recommend release of phpwcms

Where to download

As you know and can see - the old project site is very outdated. The redesigned project website is in preparation and will go online when the new major release is ready.

To stay informed about development and always have the latest recommend release installed please visit the forum here. more…

Possible security problems reported

Future of phpwcms

phpwcms is still in development

Some words

phpwcms v1.1-RC4 released

phpwcms v1.1-RC3 released

Optimized handling of non latin chars

phpwcms v1.1-RC2 released

GD support integrated

International character support

CSS styled lists

New patch package available

phpwcms v1.1-RC1 released

New Random Image Placeholder implemented

XML RSS feed creation implemented